Chalkboard writing service is no longer available.
Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience.

It pays dividends to use a properley written A-board.
A note for Landlords.
Please don’t use chalkpens! They are an invention of the devil! A rain shower will render them unreadable in minutes – you, on the other hand, will never clean them off successfully. They’re also a pain to paint over. Acrylic Markers (Hobbycraft everywhere) are water proof and one ‘light’ coat of blackboard paint (wash your brush under the tap) and they’re gone forever. Just saying

And my work does last a long time!
Does 7 years seem reasonable?
I work in Acrylic paints, and largely letter with a brush, although I will use an acrylic pen for small lettering. Being acrylic the paint is waterproof and fade resistant.
This sign was written for the shopkeeper 7 years ago! True, it’s brought indoors every night, but the faded woodwork testifies to it’s age – the lettering is as crisp and bright as the day it was painted.