Steve Bonner’s Art Gallery – Wittering Walk, East Wittering
Yes, as unbelievable as it may seem, I now have a High Street presence. Well, I use the term High Street loosely, it’s actually in Wittering Walk, off The Parade here in East Wittering, and it is small, very small, – at less than 64 square feet it’s very possibly the worlds smallest art gallery – but it will accomodate my bigger pieces, which are a problem to display elsewhere – and for my work it’s home!
My Ruth’s business, Room Service Supplies, has an office in the back (which is considerably larger) and the gallery came about mainly to provide a retail presence and not cheese off the other tenants by leaving what what would effectively have been a ‘dead’ unit, although how many visitors my lil’ gallery will attract remains to be seen – lots I hope. It’s open Monday to Friday, 9am until 5pm – of course the Walk won’t be but that’s another story
Wittering Walk
Wittering Walk is a pretty little shopping arcade. It boasts an assortment of half a dozen independant retailers, a cafe (the coffee’s great but they only serve Brownies (but there’s a vast selection – all baked in-house) and regretably I don’t have a sweet tooth), a hairdresser and a seamstress. We’re hoping for a cheese shop soon (Oh, how we’re hoping!) – fingers are crossed – that would bring in exactly the demographic my paintings need.
At this time of year you’re unlikely to find The Walk open Sundays or Wednesday afternoons (half day closing – seven day trading hasn’t really caught on down here) when visitors to the village are few and far between. A different story in the summertime of course. Ruth keeps the doors open for me during the week but regretably you won’t find me open at all weekends – HOWEVER – if you find me closed and there’s a painting there you want to see just call 07717161945 and I’ll hot foot it down there and open up for you (I only live down the road). No obligation – I’d be delighted, my paintings are created to be seen. Pretty good service I reckon.
The Chrissie decorations are Ruth’s doing by the way. Left to my devices there probably wouldn’t be one.
……hot off the easel!

“Is it too rough to paddle?”
Oil on canvas. 100cm x 75cm
The watermark for web purposes only (too many of my pictures have escaped over the years )
My latest painting, and it’s huge! Big, bold, bright, and colourful, and although I probably shouldn’t say so – I’m chuffed to bits with it! I think it typifies Wittering Beach when there’s a big sea running. It took forever to paint – well, over six weeks to be exact. I usually steer clear of oils at this time of year as they take so long to dry and I switch to acrylic as my preferred medium. That said I have two more big oils on the go as I speak. Will they dry? Will they ‘eck as like! – I’m a sucker for punishment!
It isn’t cheap – I’ve priced it at £2,250.00, but considering how long I worked on it that price isn’t exactly greedy – I don’t quite make minimum wage. Whatever! I paint because I love it – far too long in the tooth to try and get rich
If you’re in the village and you have a big blank wall at home come in and have a dekko – it might be just what you’re looking for. Nah, come in and have a dekko anyway!
Thanks for reading, guys, and don’t be shy about commenting – my blogs get kinda lonely
Pip, pip,
Hi Steve, that looks amazing! Walls are pretty chocka here otherwise we would be very tempted. Lots of love Jules & Mark xxx